Relation Algebra Functions

WooriDB has some support to relation algebra functions as well as auxiliary functions to relation algebra. They are:

Functions GROUP BY, ORDER BY, DEDUP LIMIT, OFFSET, COUNT are only supported by the following select queries:

  • SELECT */#{...} FROM tree_key_name
  • SELECT */#{...} FROM tree_key_name WHERE {...}
  • SELECT */#{...} FROM tree_key_name IDS IN #{...}

Functions UNION,INTERSECT,DIFFERENCE are only supported by the following select queries:

  • SELECT */#{...} FROM tree_key_name ID some-uuid
  • SELECT */#{...} FROM tree_key_name ID some-uuid WHEN AT some-date


This groups the responses of the select query in the following type HashMap<String, BTreeMap<Uuid, HashMap<String, Types>>> (for group by associated with order by the type is HashMap<String, Vec<(Uuid, HashMap<String, Types>)>>). So the query SELECT * FROM key GROUP BY c for the following 6 entities:

fn main() {
{a: 123, b: 12.3,}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',}

Will produce the response:

fn main() {
    "Char(\'r\')": {<Uuid6>: {a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',},} ,
    "Char(\'c\')": {<Uuid2>: {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}, <Uuid4>: {a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',},},
    "Char(\'d\')": {<Uuid3>: {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}, <Uuid5>: {a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',},},
    "Nil": {<Uuid1>: {a: 123, b: 12.3,},},
  • Note that the Hash of the type is a String containing a wql::Types.


This functions orders the response of the query by the value of a key. The key-value can be ordered by :asc or :desc. So the query SELECT * FROM key ORDER BY a :asc will return a Vec<(Uuid, HashMap<String, Types>)> for the following 6 entities:

fn main() {
{a: 123, b: 12.3,}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',}

Will produce the response:

fn main() {
    (<Uuid4>, {a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}),
    (<Uuid1>, {a: 123, b: 12.3,}),
    (<Uuid2>, {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}),
    (<Uuid3>, {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}),
    (<Uuid6>, {a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',}),
    (<Uuid5>, {a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}),


This functios is capable of removing duplicates key-values in responses. By using SELECT * FROM key DEDUP a for the following 6 entities:

fn main() {
{a: 123, b: 12.3,}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',}
{a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',}
{a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',}

We would have as a result something like:

fn main() {
    <Uuid1>: {a: 123, b: 12.3,},
    <Uuid2>: {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',},
    <Uuid3>: {a: 25, b: 12.3, c: 'c',},
    <Uuid4>: {a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',},
    <Uuid5>: {a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',},

Also it is possible to eliminate Nil and Types::Nil values for a DEDUP key. This is done by calling the function NIL() (It needs to be UPPERCASE) with the key used for the DEDUP. So for the previous data the response for the query SELECT * FROM key DEDUP NIL(c) would be:

fn main() {
    <Uuid2>: {a: 235, b: 12.3, c: 'c',},
    <Uuid4>: {a: 475, b: 12.3, c: 'd',},
    <Uuid5>: {a: 295, b: 12.3, c: 'r',},


The functions LIMIT and OFFSET expect a positive integer as argument, this means that if you define LIMIT 10 and OFFSET 5 you will skip the first 5 elements from the tree and take only the next 10 elements. LIMIT and OFFSET are also appended to the end of the select query such that SELECT * FROM key LIMIT 100 OFFSET 300.


This function is appended to the end of a select query and it will return the count for entities found by that select. So a query like SELECT * FROM key WHERE {...} COUNT will return the responses for select where as well as the count of entities found in that select. The aswer will be in the following structure:

fn main() {
    response: { "map containing the response for the query" },
    count: usize,


This unites two entities into one entity. There are two strategies for this relation the first one is UNION KEY which will unify 2 entities adding to the first one the missing values from the second, then there is UNION KEY-VALUE that will unite the keys and values from the second and if the value is the different for each key a duplicated sign will be added. The following examples will help you understand considering the following entities:

fn main() {
    "ent1": {<UUID1>: {a: 123, b: 234, c: true,}}
    "ent2": {<UUID2>: {a: 123, b: 432, d: false,}}


UNION KEY Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"a": 123, "b": 234, "c": true, "d": false}


UNION KEY-VALUE Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"a": 123, "b": 234, "b:duplicated": 432, "c": true, "d": false}


This intersects two entities into one entity. There are two strategies for this relation the first one is INTERSECT KEY which will return only the key value pairs from the first entity that have a corresponding key in the second entity, then there is INTERSECT KEY-VALUE which will return only the key value pairs from the first entity that have a corresponding key value pair in the second entity. The following examples will help you understand considering the following entities:

fn main() {
    "ent1": {<UUID1>: {a: 123, b: 234, c: true,}}
    "ent2": {<UUID2>: {a: 123, b: 432, d: false,}}


INTERSECT KEY Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"a": 123, "b": 234}


INTERSECT KEY-VALUE Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"a": 123}


This intersects two entities into one entity. There are two strategies for this relation the first one is DIFFERENCE KEY which will return only the key value pairs from the first entity that do not have a corresponding key in the second entity, then there is DIFFERENCE KEY-VALUE which will return only the key value pairs from the first entity that do not have a corresponding key value pair in the second entity. The following examples will help you understand considering the following entities:

fn main() {
    "ent1": {<UUID1>: {a: 123, b: 234, c: true,}}
    "ent2": {<UUID2>: {a: 123, b: 432, d: false,}}


DIFFERENCE KEY Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"c": true,}


DIFFERENCE KEY-VALUE Select * FROM ent1 ID uuid1 | Select * FROM ent2 ID uuid2. Note the | as query separator.

The entity to be returned will be:

fn main() {
{"c": true, "b": 234}


Join operation is similar to UNION. However, it does this by comparing keys equallity in two different entities, so if we select all elements in entity_a and all elements in entity_b and we join them in key a for entity_a and key b for entity_b whenever entity_a:a == entity_b:b a new entity will be created and appended to the resulting vector. Also all duplciated keys from entity_b will be appended by :entity_b, so a duplicated key dup_key will be dup_key:entity_b.

For the query JOIN (entity_AA:c, entity_BB:o) Select * FROM entity_AA order by c :asc | Select #{{g, f, o, b,}} FROM entity_BB we are checking equallity on entity_AA:c == entity_BB:o and the two queries two to be joined are Select * FROM entity_AA order by c :asc and Select #{{g, f, o, b,}} FROM entity_BB joined by a |.

fn main() {
    "entity_AA": {
        <UUID1>: {a: 123, b: 12.3,},
        <UUID3>: {a: 235, b: 17.3, c: 'c',},
        <UUID5>: {a: 476, b: 312.3, c: 'd',},
        <UUID7>: {a: 857, c: 'd',},}
    "entity_BB": { 
        <UUID2>: {a: 66, b: 66.3, c: 'r',},       
        <UUID4>: {g: 25, f: 12.3, a: 'c',},        
        <UUID6>: {g: 475, b: 12.3, f: 'h', o: 'd',},        
        <UUID8>: {g: 756, b: 142.3, f: 'h', o: 'c',},      
        <UUI10>: {g: 76, b: 12.3, f: 't', o: 'd',},     
        <UUID12>: {t: 295, b: 12.3, o: 'r',},    
        <UUID14>: {t: 295, f: 12.3, o: Nil,},

The response for this join will be:


  • tx_time is the tx_time of entity_AA.
  • entities that don't have the field to be matched will be matched with other entities that don't have the field or it is nil.

fn main() {
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "a": Integer(
        "b": Float(
        "g": Integer(
        "f": Float(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "a": Integer(
        "b": Float(
        "b:entity_BB": Float(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "a": Integer(
        "b": Float(
        "f": Float(
        "g": Integer(
        "f": Char(
        "b": Float(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "a": Integer(
        "b:entity_BB": Float(
        "c": Char(
        "b:entity_BB": Float(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "f": Char(
        "g": Integer(
        "a": Integer(
        "b": Float(
        "c": Char(
        "f": Char(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "b:entity_BB": Float(
        "g": Integer(
        "a": Integer(
        "b": Float(
        "c": Char(
        "b": Float(
        "c": Char(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "g": Integer(
        "a": Integer(
        "f": Char(
        "b": Float(
        "c": Char(
        "tx_time": DateTime(
        "g": Integer(
        "a": Integer(
        "f": Char(
