using Json

WoorDB is able to support Json requests and responses by using the flag features. To execute WooriDB with json feature enable execute:

  • Make json, or;
  • cargo run --manifest-path woori-db/Cargo.toml --release --features json
  • Remember that Json doesn't have trailing commas while ron has them.

Example request:

For /auth/createUser.

    "admin_id": "your_admin", 
    "admin_password": "your_password", 
    "user_info": {
        "user_password": "my_password",
        "role": ["User"]

Example response:

For a SELECT * FROM entity.

 "38d52c95-b6f6-403a-a0b2-447b8fa15784": {
  "a": Integer(123),
  "tx_time": DateTime("2021-03-24T23:56:45.179008791Z"),