Woori Query Language

Woori Query language or WQL is WooriDB's Query Language and it is inspired by SparQL, Datalog and SQL. Its main features are:


  • CREATE entity tree key by name.
    • UNIQUE: With unique values for entity map keys inside entity tree.
    • ENCRYPTS: With encrypted values for defined key-values inside entity map.
  • INSERT entity map into entity tree.
  • UPDATEs with SET or CONTENT entity map.
    • SET UPDATE replaces the sent entity map as the entity's map content.
    • CONTENT UPDATE updates numerical and string the current entity's map content with the sent entity map value and the other values work the same way as SET.
  • MATCH UPDATE updates entity map content with new content if match condition is satisfied.
  • DELETEs the last entity map content for an entity id.
    • Evicts a specific entity id and entity map
    • Evicts all entities in the entity tree key.


  • SELECT the only way to retrieve an entity's content.
    • WHERE clause is available.
    • WHEN clause is available
  • CHECK the only way to verify keys that are encrypted.

ALL DATA STRUCTURES HASHMAPS, HASHSETS AND LIST MUST CONTAIN A , AFTER EACH ELEMENT. Example #{name, ssn,} is valid but #{name, ssn} is not valid.



Creates an entity tree key.

  • CREATE ENTITY my_entity this will create an entity tree key named my_entity, in SQL terms it means CREATE TABLE my_entity.
  • CREATE ENTITY my_entity UNIQUES #{name, ssn,} the entity tree key named my_entity will only allow unique values for the entities keys name and ssn in its maps.
  • CREATE ENTITY my_entity ENCRYPTS #{pswd,} the entity tree key named my_entity will encrypt the entities keys that are pswd. The hashing cost of the encrypt is defined by the environment variable HASHING_COST, the recommended is between 10 and 14.
  • Encrypted keys cannot be unique so CREATE ENTITY my_entity UNIQUES #{name, ssn, pswd,} ENCRYPTS #{pswd,} is invalid but CREATE ENTITY my_entity UNIQUES #{name, ssn,} ENCRYPTS #{pswd,} is valid.


Inserts an entity id and an entity map into entity tree key.

  • INSERT {a: 123, b: "hello julia",} INTO entity_key this will insert the entity map {a: 123, b: "hello julia",} (key a containing as Type::Integer(123) and key b containing a Type::String("hello julia")) and a random Uuid for entity ID into entity tree key entity_key.

To INSERT entity with a predefined Uuid it is necessary to use the keyword WITH after the entity tree key followed by as Uuid-V4. INSERT {a: 123, b: "hello julia",} INTO entity_key WITH 4f6fccb0-20fb-4d8e-af7c-65db30f4954a.


Updates the content by replacing the previous entity map in entity tree key my_entity_name with the entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed.

  • UPDATE my_entity_name SET {a: -4, b: 32,} INTO 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed this will replace the current entity map stored in entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed.


Updates the content by numerical addition or string concatenation of the previous entity map in entity tree key my_entity_name with the entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed. Non numerical or non string value will just be replaced. If the key doesn't exist it will be created.

  • UPDATE my_entity_name CONTENT {a: -4, b: 32,} INTO 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed this will add -4 to entity map key a and add 32 to entity map key b in the current entity map stored in entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed.


Similar to SET, but it requires a precondition to be satisfied.

  • MATCH ALL(a == 1, b >= 3, c != \"hello\", d < 7,) UPDATE this_entity SET {a: 123, g: NiL,} INTO d6ca73c0-41ff-4975-8a60-fc4a061ce536 if all conditions defined inside ALL are satisfied the set update will happen.
    • ALL is an logical and between all conditions, meaning that all of them must be true.
    • ANY is an logical or between all conditions, meaning that at least one of them must be true.
    • NULL KEYS, ALL returns an error if a null key is present and ANY just ignores null keys.
    • Possible conditions are:
      • == means equals, so if a == 100, this means that the entity map key a must equal to 100.
      • != means not equal, so if a != 100, this means that the entity map key a must not equal to 100.
      • >= means greater or equal, so if a >= 100, this means that the entity map key a must br greater or equal to 100.
      • <= means lesser or equal, so if a <= 100, this means that the entity map key a must be lesser or equal to 100.
      • > means greater, so if a > 100, this means that the entity map key a must be greater than 100.
      • < means lesser, so if a < 100, this means that the entity map key a must be less than 100.


Deletes the last entity map event for an entity ID in entity tree key, that is, it deletes the last state of an entity map.

  • DELETE 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed FROM my_entity_name this will delete the last state of entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed in entity tree key my_entity_name from entity history.


Removes all occurrences of an entity from the entity tree. It can be just the entity id or the whole entity tree key.

  • EVICT 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed FROM my_entity_name removes all occurrences of the entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed from the entity tree key my_entity_name, they cannot be queried anymore.
  • EVICT my_entity removes the key my_entity from the entity tree. It cannot be queried anymore. It is similar to SQL's DROP TABLE my_entity.


Checks for encrypted key data validity. This transaction only works with keys that are encrypted and it serves as a way to verify if the passed values are true of false against encrypted data.

  • CHECK {pswd: "my-password", ssn: 3948453,} FROM my_entity_name ID 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed this will check if keys psdw and ssn from entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed in entity tree key my_entity_name have the values "my-password" for pswd and 3948453 for ssn.


This is the way to query entities from WooriDB. Similar to SQL and SparQL SELECT.

Possible SELECT combinations:

  • SELECT * FROM my_entity_name selects all entity ids and entity maps for the entity tree key my_entity_name with all the possible entities map keys.
  • SELECT #{name, last_name, age,} FROM my_entity_name selects all entity ids and entity maps for the entity tree key my_entity_name with only the keys name, last_name, age for the entities map.
  • SELECT * FROM my_entity_name ID 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed selects the entity map containing the entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed from the entity tree key my_entity_name with all the possible entities map keys.
  • SELECT #{name, last_name, age,} FROM my_entity_name ID 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed selects the entity map containing the entity id 48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed from the entity tree key my_entity_name with only the keys name, last_name, age for the entities map.
  • SELECT * FROM my_entity_name IDS IN #{48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed, 57c7640e-9287-448a-d07c-3db01da5earg, 54k6640e-5687-445a-d07c-5hg61da5earg,} this will return the entities map containing the entities ids #{48c7640e-9287-468a-a07c-2fb00da5eaed, 57c7640e-9287-448a-d07c-3db01da5earg, 54k6640e-5687-445a-d07c-5hg61da5earg,} from entity tree key my_entity_name. Keys set is available.
  • Select * FROM my_entity ID 0a1b16ed-886c-4c99-97c9-0b977778ec13 WHEN AT 2014-11-28T21:00:09+09:00 this will select the last entity map state for the entity id 0a1b16ed-886c-4c99-97c9-0b977778ec13 in entity tree key my_entity at date 2014-11-28. Requires to use DateTime UTC, for now.
  • SELECT * FROM entity_name ID <uuid> WHEN START 2014-11-28T09:00:09Z END 2014-11-28T21:00:09Z this will select the all entity map states for the entity id 0a1b16ed-886c-4c99-97c9-0b977778ec13 in entity tree key my_entity in the time range starting at 2014-11-28T09:00:09Z and ending at 2014-11-28T21:00:09Z.
  • SELECT * FROM my_entity WHERE { ?* my_entity:a ?a, ?* my_entity:c ?c, (== ?a 123),(or (>= ?c 4300.0), (< ?c 6.9),),} this will select all entities ids and entities maps from entity tree key my_entity that satisfy the where clause.
    • ?* my_entity:a ?a and ?* my_entity:c ?c define that the entity keys a and c from entity tree key my_entity will receive the attributed value ?a and ?c respectively.
    • (== ?a 123) selects all entities which entity map key a is equal to 123.
    • (or (>= ?c 4300.0), (< ?c 6.9),) selects all entities which entity map key c is greater than or equal to 4300.0 or is smaller than 6.9.

WHERE Clause

Possible functions for the where clause:

  • in: (in ?k1 123 34543 7645 435), ?k1 must be present in the set containing 123 34543 7645 435. NOTE: for now, please don't use ,.
  • between: (between ?k1 0 435), ?k1 must be between starting value 0 and ending value 435. If you set more than 2 arguments it will return a ClauseError.
  • like: (like ?k2 "%naomi%"), like is comparing ?k2 with the string "%naomi%" considering that % are wildcards. "%naomi" means end_with("naomi"), "naomi%" means starts_with("naomi") and "%naomi%" means contains("naomi"). Possible regex support in the future.
  • ==, >=, >, <, <=, != -> (>= ?k1 0) which means get all values that ?k1 is greater than or equal to 0.
  • or: All arguments inside the or function call will be evaluated to true if any of them is true.

Relation Algebra

Some relation algebra may be implemented:

  • Projection
  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Difference (SQL's EXCEPT?)
  • Join
  • Product (SQL's CROSS JOIN?)
  • Assign
  • Dedup
  • Sort
  • Aggregate
  • Division

Entity map value TYPES

Types Notes

  1. Precise floats or numbers larger than f64::MAX/i128::MAX can be defined with an UPPERCASE P at the end.

    • Note: This type cannot be updated with UPDATE CONTENT.
    • Ex.: INSERT {a: 98347883122138743294728345738925783257325789353593473247832493483478935673.9347324783249348347893567393473247832493483478935673P, } INTO my_entity.
  2. BLOB will not be supported. Check out To BLOB or Not To BLOB: Large Object Storage in a Database or a Filesystem

  • Char(char) contains the type char defined by 'c',
  • Integer(isize) contains the type isize, just a number without .,
  • String(String) contains any value passed with "this is a string",
  • Uuid(Uuid) contains an Uuid V4,
  • Float(f64) contains the type f64, any number containing .,
  • Boolean(bool) contains type boolean true of false,
  • Vector(Vec<Types>) contains a vector of Types,
  • Map(HashMap<String, Types>) contains a HashMap of key String and value Types,
  • Hash(String) contains a Hash generated by ENCRYPTS,
  • Precise(String) contains a very large integer or a very large float,
  • Nil contains a null/nil value,
  • DateTime contains a DateTime