Naomijub's Blog
Welcome to my blog!
This blog is where I share my ideas and processes regarding software engineer, functional programming, Rust, best practices and game development.
Where to find me 📬:

Who am I?
I'm a lead software engineer with experience in web services, project migrations, Rust and cloud. Some notable places I've worked are:
- Nubank as Lead Software Engineer:
- I worked on integrating transfers (Pix) and payments to checkins account. The technologies I used were
,Apache Kafka
. - Edn-rs,
format support forRust
- Edn-derive, derive macros for edn-rs
- Brcode, Pix QR Code parser in
with FFI versions inDart
- I worked on integrating transfers (Pix) and payments to checkins account. The technologies I used were
- Ubisoft as Team Lead Programmer:
- I worked on online services for an unannounced production.
(Lambdas, DynamoDB, S3, etc),Terraform
,Unreal Engine
,Apache Kafka
. - I worked as lead developer experience for Rainbow Six Mobile, improving content creators and programmers usage on tools and online services.
- I worked on online services for an unannounced production.
- Thoughtworks as Tech Lead:
- Microservices migrations. Notable works are:
Java 7
service toRust
microservice, which had a huge cost reduction and increased performance.Java 8
service toClojure
microservice. Fun fact the Clojure service had less lines of code than the java service had classes (Not include tests).Java 7
+ Spring service toJava 8
+Spring Boot
microservices using a functional programming approach.Ruby on Rails
monolith toElixir
- SRE, developed a state of the art system to monitor the state of the website.
- Natural language processing service written in
that scrapped social media to detect user comments on problems the werbsite had. - Using
scripts, we actively navigated the web site detecting latency, flow issues, inconsistencies and crashes. - Created a
clusters that held all the data and had a good developer experience for service developers to integrate and manage.
- Natural language processing service written in
- Lead Studio XR Researcher creatring prototypes to showcase in
:- AR Pokemon inspired card game.
- Luggage analyzer and trip visualizer.
- VR Airplane replair mechanical training.
- Microservices migrations. Notable works are:
I also wrote a few books for APress and Casa do Codigo:
- 📖 Functional and Concurrent Programming in Rust - Casa do Código
- 📖 Lean Game Development - Edition 2 - English - Apress
- 📖 Lean Game Development - Edition 1 - English - Apress
- 📖 Lean Game Development - Portuguese - Casa do Código
- 📖 TDD For Games - Casa do Código
Stuff I like:
- Gender equality and LGBTIQ+
- Card and Board games
- Databases, I'm really interested in relational-like time serial database. My pet project on this is WooriDB.
- Rust FFI, did a few cool projects exploring FFI in Rust JVM/Rust FFI.
- I have a lot of pet projects with Procedural Content Generation and Voxels
- I have a few pet projects with AR/VR
- I love to collaborate with ECS/Bevy stuff Space editor and bevy-inspector
- Working on games with my son.
- Lastly, I like Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic and Natural language Processing
Cool Open Source Work:
- WooriDB - Time Serial Database
- Brcode - PIX QR Code parser
- Space Editor - Bevy Engine Game Editor
- tokio_retry2 - Extensible, asynchronous retry behaviours for tokio
- Observable Trees - Fully tokio async channeled trees, no extra deps
- Bevy Chess Game - 0.14
- edn-rs - Rust EDN (de)serializer
- edn-derive - Rust EDN macro (de)serializer
- Transistor - Rust CruxDB Client
- Translixir - Elixir CruxDB Client
- Elixir EDN libs: Eden and exdn
- Hiccup - html templating macro in Rust
- Composing functions with Rust
- Exploring FFI between JVM and Rust
- DiammondSeek - Simple game in Java
- Rust Exercism Solutions
- TDD on Unity - Random Game
- Kotlin Exercism Solutions
- Mario Kart Multiplayer Demo in Unity 5