Naomijub's Blog

Welcome to my blog!

This blog is where I share my ideas and processes regarding software engineer, functional programming, Rust, best practices and game development.

Where to find me 📬:

Who am I?

I'm a lead software engineer with experience in web services, project migrations, Rust and cloud. Some notable places I've worked are:

  • Nubank as Lead Software Engineer:
    • I worked on integrating transfers (Pix) and payments to checkins account. The technologies I used were Clojure, Apache Kafka, Datomic, AWS, Flutter.
    • Edn-rs, Clojure's EDN format support for Rust
    • Edn-derive, derive macros for edn-rs
    • Brcode, Pix QR Code parser in Rust with FFI versions in Dart, Clojure, Typescipr, Java.
  • Ubisoft as Team Lead Programmer:
    • I worked on online services for an unannounced production. Rust, AWS (Lambdas, DynamoDB, S3, etc), Terraform, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Grafana, Unreal Engine, Apache Kafka, C++.
    • I worked as lead developer experience for Rainbow Six Mobile, improving content creators and programmers usage on tools and online services. C#, Unity, Prometheus, Grafana, SQLite.
  • Thoughtworks as Tech Lead:
    • Microservices migrations. Notable works are:
      • Java 7 + Spring + MySQL service to Rust + MySQL/Cassandra microservice, which had a huge cost reduction and increased performance.
      • Java 8 + Spring service to Clojure + Pedestal microservice. Fun fact the Clojure service had less lines of code than the java service had classes (Not include tests).
      • Java 7 + Spring service to Java 8 + Spark + Spring Boot microservices using a functional programming approach.
      • Ruby on Rails monolith to Elixir microservices.
    • SRE, developed a state of the art system to monitor the state of the website.
      1. Natural language processing service written in Rust that scrapped social media to detect user comments on problems the werbsite had.
      2. Using scripts, we actively navigated the web site detecting latency, flow issues, inconsistencies and crashes.
      3. Created a kubernetes clusters that held all the data and had a good developer experience for service developers to integrate and manage.
    • Lead Studio XR Researcher creatring prototypes to showcase in Unity and Vuforia:
      • AR Pokemon inspired card game.
      • Luggage analyzer and trip visualizer.
      • VR Airplane replair mechanical training.

I also wrote a few books for APress and Casa do Codigo:

Stuff I like:

  • Gender equality and LGBTIQ+
  • Card and Board games
  • Databases, I'm really interested in relational-like time serial database. My pet project on this is WooriDB.
  • Rust FFI, did a few cool projects exploring FFI in Rust JVM/Rust FFI.
  • I have a lot of pet projects with Procedural Content Generation and Voxels
  • I have a few pet projects with AR/VR
  • I love to collaborate with ECS/Bevy stuff Space editor and bevy-inspector
  • Working on games with my son.
  • Lastly, I like Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic and Natural language Processing

Cool Open Source Work: